Building a Mosque
Build a mosque in this world and build your palace in Jannah. A dedicated place to pray, to read Qur’an is so important, but within Muslim communities around West Africa, they don’t always have conducive mosques to carry out their obligations as Muslims. Donating towards the building of a Mosque ensures our brothers and sisters in West Africa can share in that very same joy!

Renovating a Mosque (Purchase of Complete Carpet, Fans and Air Conditioners, Prayer Mats, and Water coolers)
At the Home, one of our primary objectives is to propagate Islam. In other to achieve this we help communities renovate mosques that are becoming weak, we also supply materials to other mosques that need them. We sincerely welcome donations in this aspect to support our cause and most specially to preserve the houses of worships across West Africa.
At the Home, we build mosques for communities in need of them, which depends on the population of the people in need of them. We welcome donations from individuals and entities to build mosques that will serve people. Individuals are also welcomed to sponsor the building of a mosque by choosing from the below options:
- Building a Mosque serving 120 people ($7000)
- Building a Mosque serving 200 people ($10000)
- Building a Mosque serving 500 people ($40000)
- Building a Mosque serving 1000 people ($65000)